Having a lifelong enthusiasm for outdoor pursuits definitely adds interest and excitement relating to GIS. Whether it be map reading, route finding, fishing different watersheds and regions, navigating back roads of the vast Canadian wilderness, or just trying to find that next untracked/unexplored region, we use GIS applications to get there and get home.

If not in our personal lives, sometimes we are thrust into the world of GIS at work. When working in the forest industry I was handed a GPS unit, some maps, and then was let loose to find how to get there and get the job done. Without the advancements of better mapping and up to date satellite imagery, the job would have been much harder, and less efficient.

Everybody had access to better geographic information with the advent of improved maps and mapping services, handheld GPS units, smart phones, Google Earth and a plethora of online and handheld resources. Use these resources and venture to the untracked, or less tracked areas of the earth.

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